Dinosaur Books

Not long after my son's second birthday, we introduced him to dinosaurs. He was already a big fan of animals, but he wasn't so sure about the dinosaurs at first. Over the course of the next few months, though, he got more and more excited about them, until at some point he hardly thought about any anything else. At this point, we basically live a dinosaur life in this house.

Since then, we've plowed through just about every book about dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals that we could lay our hands on. As a result, I've done a lot of research looking for new books to feed his interest. (To be honest, he doesn't usually complain about the books we have, so much of the motivation comes from me; I get tired of reading the same books over and over!)

In this document, I've tried to compile as much as I could recall about the books that we've enjoyed, both for my own record and in the hope that someone else out there will also be able to take advantage of it and save a bunch of time. (I don't know how much time I've spent on this endeavor, but it was a surprisingly huge number of hours.) I've tried to provide Worldcat and Amazon links to make it easy for you to find these books with a minimum of effort. In case you're not familiar with Worldcat, you can tell it your location and it will tell you which local libraries have the book you're looking at, and it will even give you a link to that book on your local library's website. We would never have been able to enjoy all of these books without our great local library system.

Baby books, dinosaur-themed stories

More detailed for kids

Adult books with enough pictures to be of some interest to kids

Beyond kids


My son asks so many questions about dinosaurs that I decided I had to get out ahead of him by reading some serious books about dinosaurs and other animals. Here’s what I found along those lines.

I don’t have much background in anatomy, and these contain lots of terminology that I’m not familiar with. If you’re in the same boat, then Kardong’s vertebrate anatomy book (ISBN 9780073040585, Worldcat, Amazon) should be helpful. (It’s an excellent book in any case.)


Other animals

Human body - intro

Human body - older