
Real Analysis

Proofs books

These aren’t actually analysis books, but in the math curriculum that’s often where they get used, since intro to real analysis is often the place where math students start to write (and really have to understand) proofs.

Introductory analysis

These books ease you into real analysis. They are designed to address a difficulty in the evolving US math curriculum, namely that because rigorous calculus textbooks (like Spivak and Apostol, or those books titled “Advanced Calculus”) are no longer commonly used in lower-level courses, students arrive in real analysis courses without knowing how to read and write proofs or understanding the theoretical foundation of calculus. These books help you with understanding how to do proofs, and they feed you the information in a way that’s easier to digest. They don’t cover all the material you need, and thus they aren’t sufficient on their own to master the subject, but they can make the other books (which I call “standard” below) more manageable.

All of these books stop short of Lebesgue integration, so they can’t be considered complete introductions to real analysis.

Standard undergraduate analysis

These books present the standard undergraduate course in real analysis. They include the Lebesgue integral, but stop short of measure theory.

Graduate analysis

These books are generally considered graduate level, and cover measure theory. (Measure theory is generally the big thing that’s left out of undergraduate analysis courses.)

Problem books

Fourier analysis


See also: Differential Geometry.

Complex Analysis

Functional Analysis

Dynamical systems

Asymptotic methods, perturbation theory

Numerical analysis

See Numerical Methods in the CS section.