Logic and Discrete Math


A nice guide to studying logic:

Philosophical logic

Mathematical logic

Model Theory

Proof Theory

Topos Theory

Type Theory

Misc logic

Logic course notes

Set Theory

Category Theory

Course notes

Discrete Math


Discrete math for computer science

These are generally grab-bags of topics relevant for beginning CS students: logic, proofs, number theory, boolean algebra, combinatorics, graph theory. I only list older, cheap editions. These books tend to be relatively elementary and shallow, because they are devoted to brief coverage of a large variety of topics, but on the other hand they are widely available, polished in their presentation and they have lots of exercises.

Typical topics are: logic and proof, set theory, functions, introduction to algorithms, basic number theory, mathematical induction, counting and discrete probability, other topics in combinatorics, graphs and trees, basic automata theory.

Discrete math with a different focus

More advanced approaches to discrete math for computer science



Graph Theory



See also: random matrix theory